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What kind of people are Christadelphians?

We are made up of people from most walks of life. We would like to think that we are normal, but our beliefs do tend to be held with a strong conviction and this probably reflects in our character.

Our faith encourages us to be enthusiastic in our work, loyal in our marriages, generous in our giving, dedicated in our preaching, content in our circumstances.  We tend to have little interest in much that the modern world finds entertaining; for example most of us would rarely, if ever, turn to the television for comfort or relaxation.



Christadelphian occupations: as an example, amongst the Wellington ecclesia you might find examples of accountants, artists, civil servants, chemists, computer consultants, electricians, executives, mechanics, salesmen, writers.

You won't find any Christadelphian politicians, soldiers or policemen. This is because we are "campaigning" for the coming kingdom of God and cannot actively support any alternative ideology. We offer our support to Christ the king and do not swear allegiance to any earthly crowned head or government. As the Bible says (in Philippians 3:20), "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Saviour from there, the Lord Jesus Christ".  We can leave politics and the like to the providence and power of God to control: "the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men, and appoints over it whoever He chooses." (Daniel 5:21).
